This book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a review.This book was fun! Who doesn't love a geeky love story. Ha! Adrian is a game developer. And Noah is one of his uber-fans. So cool! Noah is also a closeted professor. So closeted, he's even somewhat in the closet from himself! And they both have dogs. Even better.
Noah decides to be a good Samaritan and give Adrian a lift home for Thanksgiving when his new "boyfriend" leaves him stranded in an RV park in a snow storm. What an ass. He was such a whiny snot, it irritated me. I'm glad Adrian's interaction with him was minimal.
I love when a MC has a large, loving family. And while Adrian's family was large and somewhat non-supportive, you could clearly see that they loved him. I absolutely loved how caring and cautious Adrian was with Noah. It was so sweet, to see a couple that had more focus on the getting to know you and building a relationship, rather than just jumping straight into bed to get off.
I'm looking forward to more of this Gaymer series. :)