
Bane - Amelia C. Gormley An ARC of this book was provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

While this is book two in the series, there are two books that precede it in series order. The first two books can be read in any order, but I highly recommend reading this book after reading the other two.

While this book focuses primarily on Rhys and Darius from book one, Zach and Nico from Juggernaut (#0.5) play important roles and we do get to see more of their story.

Rhys and company arrive at the Clean Zone, because they are "interested in studying him" after learning he is immune to all the strains of the Bane virus. There, he meets Zach and Nico, and learns that they have been trying to find out what the evil Secretary Littlewood is doing. When Rhys agrees to go in as bait to learn more, he discovers there is a worse evil than the one Delta Company saved him from. But this time around he's able to defend himself. During his time in the research facility, he finally comes to terms with who he is and finds acceptance in himself.

Zach and Nico's story is bittersweet and let me tell you! My heart about dropped at one point when I thought this couple was doomed. I'm so glad it didn't go that way. After a scare of infecting Zach, Nico has pretty much stayed away from Zach for the past ten years. They have only seen each other once or twice a year and have not touched in all that time. What a horrible way to live! Zach finally convinces Nico to let whatever will happen happen. And it's so great to finally see them together again.

And I loved how Amelia resolved Zach and Nico's predicament. I just knew she wouldn't leave this couple hanging and it worked out for everyone! Such a hopeful ending for all involved.

I didn't want the book to end where it did. There was no HEA, but a definite possibility with a good HFN.

Cross-posted at Gay Book Reviews